Meteorologist and WEC member Roger Hill forecasts from his home office in
Worcester. Hill is the featured speaker for WEC’s 85th Annual Meeting, which
will focus on winter outages.
Worcester-based meteorologist and WEC member Roger Hill will present at the Co-op’s winter outage-themed Annual Meeting on May 2. Hill’s site-specific forecasts help Vermont utilities, including WEC, prepare their responses to major storms. Many other Vermonters know Hill from his weather forecasts on WDEV Radio Vermont and daily updates through his weather blog, Weathering Heights.
Hill will discuss weather and storms in WEC territory, and the impacts a warming climate has on our weather and electric grid.
“As the meteorologist advising Vermont’s utilities and a WEC member myself, I’m keenly aware of the impact of storms and outages on our rural region,” said Hill.
“I look forward to discussing with my fellow members weather trends, weather science, why the mountains and valleys of central Vermont experience weather the way we do, and what might lie ahead with the larger effects of a heating planet and what strains this might put on our power grid.”
Learn more about Roger Hill in the July 2018 issue of Co-op Currents.