Being prepared is taking responsibility for the safety and comfort of yourself and those around you. That means staying informed, having the supplies you need, and making wise choices. As winter storm season approaches, the Co-op asks all members to please prepare for the possibility of outages. During major storms, outages can last several days. This annual checklist is published in Co-op Currents to help you get ready. You may not have or need every item on this list, but scan it before big storms to make sure you do have what you need to ride out a multi-day outage.
WEC is also getting prepared. With the help of significant state and federal grant funding, WEC is pursuing a new metering system (the insider term is AMI, for Advanced Metering Infrastructure). This technology is intended to help the Co-op respond more quickly and efficiently to outages. “We are investing as wisely as we can in the resources that will make us more resilient to outages and to deal with them faster when they occur,” said General Manager Louis Porter.
Members may now check for outage restoration estimates from the Co-op through the outage map on These are estimates—not guarantees—and members should be prepared to be out of power longer than the estimated time of restoration. However, overall feedback from the membership is that the restoration estimates are helpful and appreciated.
Members familiar with living in Central Vermont need few reminders that weather is powerful here, and often disruptive. The 1,600 miles of lines managed by WEC are susceptible, in the winter, to trees bending and breaking under heavy snow. “We all choose to live in a rural area susceptible to high wind and wet snow,” said Porter. “That causes outages, and as a Co-op and a membership, we all bear some responsibility to be ready for them.”
Annual Winter Storm Checklist
Be aware:
Pay attention to local weather reports
Sign up for school closings, road alerts, and weather alerts on electronic devices
Follow travel precautions
Contact 511 for road closures
Contact 211 for local assistance, like emergency food and shelter
Charge phones, tablets, computers, and other devices
Address potential storm hazards on your property, like a chimney that needs cleaning or a dead tree limb hanging over the driveway
Check your supplies:
Food and dining
3-5 days of nonperishable food for each family member, including pets
Hand-crank can opener,
Large cooler or ice chest, Frozen ice packs
Disposable plates, cups, and eating utensils
Fill containers with water for drinking and buckets or bathtubs for household use. If you’re on a well, you won’t have water when the power goes out.
Flush toilets sparingly with a bucket of water
Have a way to boil or otherwise purify water
Health and comfort
Extra medication, oxygen, or other health essentials
First Aid kit
Sleeping bags or blankets
Warm, dry clothing
Personal hygiene supplies
Extra baby supplies, if relevant
Flashlights and headlamps
Spare batteries
Candles and matches
Devices, safety, and entertainment
Charged phones, laptops, and tablets
Charged EV or full tank in gas car
Shovels and/or tuned up snowblower
A fire extinguisher
Wind up or battery alarm clock
Portable radio
Books and games
Have a plan:
- Do you have backup heat that does not rely on electricity?
- If you have special health needs, do you have ice packs to keep medication cold, backup oxygen, or a generator?
- Do you have someone you can call if you need assistance?
- Do you have neighbors who may need special assistance? If you can assume responsibility to check on them, do their family members have your contact info?
- Does your town have an emergency action plan?
- Do you have a place you can go if you need to leave town for a few days?
- Have you updated WEC if someone in your household has, or no longer has, medical needs that require wellness checks during an extended outage?
In case of longer outages:
If your power is going to be off for hours or days, here are some additional precautions you and your family can take:
- Turn off and unplug electrical equipment. Leave on one light inside so you can tell when power is turned back on.
- Turn on an outside light that is visible from the road so that Co-op crews can see that your power has been restored.
- Close external doors, windows, curtains, and doors between rooms. This will help your home retain heat in cold weather.
- Keep the refrigerator and freezer closed tightly. If you’re not sure food is safe to eat, don’t eat it.
- Know how to override your electric garage door opener.
- Conserve tap water. Water will keep hot in your water heater’s tank for up to three days.
- Keep warm in layers of clothing and blankets.
- Keep active.
- Use the fireplace wisely and safely. Do not leave the damper open when not in use.
- Pets like tropical fish and birds are very sensitive to temperature changes and will require special care.
- If you have a landline, it will probably work—the telephone company uses a separate, low voltage power supply. Use it to keep in touch and stay informed.