WEC’s Annual Meeting is May 1, 2025

Coop CurrentsCoop News

Board Candidacy and Bylaws Petition Deadlines Due Feb/March

Time to flip open those new 2025 calendars: WEC’s Annual Meeting will be held on Thursday, May 1.

At every Annual Meeting, three members are elected to WEC’s Board of Directors. Any member of the Co-op is eligible to run for election. In recent years, Board of Directors elections have been competitive, and some results have been very close. If you’re considering running for a seat, start planning now. Contact Administrative Assistant Dawn Johnson at 802-224-2332 or dawn.johnson@wec.coop to request a candidate packet.

Candidates have the opportunity to introduce themselves and their positions to the full Co-op membership through biographical and policy statements published in Co-op Currents and on wec.coop.

The deadline to submit candidate biographies for inclusion in the February-March print issue of Co-op Currents is January 30.

The deadline to submit all candidacy materials, including a petition signed by a minimum of 25 WEC members, is March 2. All candidates’ policy statements will be printed in the April-May issue of Co-op Currents.

Members of the Co-op have the right to petition for changes to the Co-op’s bylaws. The bylaws are available on wec.coop, or you may contact WEC for a hard copy. To petition for a change, members are required to collect signatures in support from at least 50 fellow members of WEC. Petitions for bylaws changes are due February 10.
Look for information about the candidates and details about the Annual Meeting in future issues of Co-op Currents.