WEC’s 2012 Annual Meeting: Voting Results, Guest Speaker Presentation

SusanGCoop News

Approximately 170 Washington Electric Co-op members, staff and guests gathered for the Co-op’s 73rd Annual Meeting, held in Montpelier on May 24th.

WEC members voted by mail and in person for three 3-year seats on the Board of Directors as well as on a bylaw amendment. Incumbent Directors Richard Rubin of Plainfield and Roger Fox of Walden were reelected, and Mary Just Skinner of Middlesex will be joining the board. The bylaw amendment, which changes how WEC accounts for money members pay for line extensions, was approved as well.

Keynote speaker Dr. Alan Betts, well-known researcher and writer about climate change and its effect on Vermont, provided a graphic and sobering look at how climate change has already affected us and what may be in store in the future. His slide presentation for WEC’s Annual Meeting can be viewed at:

Look for detailed coverage of the meeting in the June issue of Co-op Currents.