Energy Coach

WECCoop News

Ask the Energy Coach: When will incentives resume?

Dear Energy Coach: I just installed a hot water heat pump and want to take advantage of WEC’s incentives. When will they be available again?

You can submit the invoices for any eligible equipment upgrades now – in fact, WEC hopes you will. All eligible equipment upgrades dated from September through December 31, 2022 will be honored in the first quarter of 2023.

The reason we paused incentives is to resolve a cash flow issue while the Co-op faces a rate increase. But, because of our membership’s interest in upgrading to efficient devices, our Co-op already met the state’s Renewable Energy Standard (Tier III) targets.

We will introduce a new slate of incentives to help members transition from fossil fuel to WEC’s 100% renewable electricity in 2023. In the meantime, submit your invoices for any eligible upgrades made in 2022. Call the Coach if you have any questions.

Have an energy question? Ask the Energy Coach:

The Energy Coach’s reading list

Bill Powell, WEC’s Energy Coach, reads a lot to stay on top of what’s happening in energy efficiency technology and how it may affect members. Recent articles that caught his eye:

Adding new electric devices? Follow the Energy Coach’s checklist

Buying an EV? Installing a new heat pump water heater? Before you plug in, follow these steps.

1. Look at your circuit breaker box. Is it a 100 or 200 amp box? How many remaining slots are there? Take a photo.

2. Call the Energy Coach to inquire about adding an EV to your peak load. What’s your historic peak load? If you email, attach the photo.

3. WEC’s teams will assess your service. You’ll learn what, if any, work needs to be done to prepare your home electrically for EV load, about how long it will take, and how much it will cost. Service upgrades typically involve separately hiring a qualified contractor, and coordinating with WEC to make electrical improvements to increase capacity of the member’s equipment. WEC will begin performing elective service upgrades again as supply chain issues are resolved.