Washington Electric Cooperative is participating in a state-wide initiative to bring fiber optic internet (commonly referred to as 'fiber') to as many communities in our territory as possible. We are currently partnering with three Communications Union Districts (CUDs) to deploy fiber. WEC's involvement is simple. We provide the infrastructure CUDs use to deploy fiber.
WEC is not an internet service provider (ISP), even though we are assisting in bringing fiber to rural Vermont. We're still your local electrical co-op, helping the community in any way we can.
As this project grows, our members will be able to find information on WEC's progress and involvement right here on this page. So, make sure to check back every once in a while!
Stay Current with WEC's
Broadband Initiative

Broadband Update from CVFiber’s Governing Board Chair
by Jerry DiamantidesAfter rebounding from Winter Storm Elliott, CVFiber continues with its Winter Construction Program. Currently, CVFiber has strung miles of fiber along the roads in Calais and will continue construction into parts of Worcester and East Montpelier, and perhaps elsewhere, while there’s snow on the ground. My most important concern for anyone reading this is to please drive carefully and share the road with the CVFiber construction crews and WEC maintenance crews who are working through the winter on icy narrow roads to bring you internet and electric service.
CVFiber’s website ( is up and running with a feature that allows you to plug in your address to see when CVFiber’s service may be available to you. This website feature also allows you to pre-register for service when it becomes available and to request updates on service availability – over 2,000 folks have already done so. Our website also has videos, presentations, and meeting minutes from all our committee meetings.
We anticipate that our first service will be available this spring with continuous roll-out over the next three years to make CVFiber available to the homes of all the underserved in our District. The impact of the change from spotty internet service on copper wires to multi-Gigabit service on fiber will be like the change was in the 1940’s and 50’s - from kerosene lanterns and ice houses to electric lights and refrigeration. CVFiber’s home service symmetrical speeds ranging from 100 Mbps to 2 Gbps will ensure the highest level of internet access for Vermonters for this generation and the next.
I want to thank Louis Porter, Dave Kresock, and all our partners at WEC who have been working side-by-side with CVFiber to make 21st Century broadband a reality for Central Vermont. Through WEC’s diligent effort, CVFiber now has all the clearances needed to hang fiber on more than 4,500 of WEC’s utility poles. Together we are making this long-term vision a reality.
Connectivity is only the beginning. Watch our progress at
Jerry Diamantides is the Governing Board Chair of CVFiber. Learn more at
Message to Our Members
In the coming months, WEC members may see vehicles and personnel working on behalf of CVFiber on local roads. Their vehicles have CVFiber signage and crew members are wearing work vests. Contractors in the field are instructed to identify themselves when asked to by WEC members, and to get permission before going onto member property or posted property to conduct their pole inventory work. If you’re not at home, they may ask a neighbor to contact you to let you know that workers are looking to access a pole on your property.
In March, the same CVFiber pole inventory crews are scheduled to work in the WEC member towns of Orange and Washington. Later this spring, crews will be working in Barre Town, Cabot, Duxbury, Marshfield, Northfield, Plainfield, Roxbury, Williamstown, and Woodbury.
WEC and our partner CUDs, like CVFiber, require all contractors to act in a professional and workman-like manner, whether in direct contact with you or simply on the job site. They are expected to leave the areas they work in and survey clean and free of debris or other hazards. This is important to us as we continue of mission of environmental and community stewardship.
Again, if you have any questions or concerns, we encourage you to contact the WEC office at 802-223-5245 or CVFiber at or 802-552-3088.
Please note: Timelines subject to change. Check back frequently for updated information.
Find your local CUD
Select the dropdown menu for your county to view list of towns served by WEC and their CUDs.